Foto:SPTG/Philip Eichler

We are building on us

The Stiftung Polytechnische Gesellschaft Frankfurt am Main (The Polytechnic Foundation of Frankfurt am Main) has been actively involved in education, culture, civic engagement, science, technology, craft trades, social issues and democracy since 2005.

It implements and supports projects that foster the personal development of the individual and strengthen participation in the community as well as social cohesion. In this way, the Stiftung Polytechnische Gesellschaft makes a very practical contribution to a vibrant and mutually supportive urban society – true to its motto “We are building on us”.

In view of existing social challenges, the Stiftung Polytechnische Gesellschaft would like to help Frankfurt become a model for a future-oriented city of dedicated citizens for other cities. To this end, it puts its own operational projects into practice and promotes charitable projects by third parties. As an independent institution, it is able to try out new ideas and develop the best possible solutions for very wide-ranging challenges. In all its projects, the Stiftung Polytechnische Gesellschaft aims to empower people through education and skills development in support of social cohesion: innovative, useful, practical, understandable and visible.

The Foundation’s flagship projects range from educational projects, such as Deutschsommer and the Diesterweg-Stipendium für Kinder und ihre Eltern (Diesterweg-Scholarship for children and their parents), to the Main-Campus-Stipendiatenwerk (Main Campus Scholarship Program) and projects for volunteers, such as the Stadtteil-Botschafter (District Ambassadors) and the Stadtteil-Historiker (District Historians). In keeping with the values of the age of the Enlightenment, the focus is always on education, reason and responsibility in a wider sense.

The Foundation’s support is partly broad-based and partly excellence-oriented, and it also funds outstanding projects by third parties that generate considerable benefit for the community in general. It focuses especially on areas of society in need of special attention, always taking the personal development of the individual into account, which in turn contributes to strengthening participation in social life. In this context, the Foundation provides support along the educational biography, meaning that it takes many people by the hand over several years and within various programs as responsibly minded citizens of Frankfurt.

Foto: SPTG/Dominik Buschardt

Jazzfestival for pupils of the project Jazz und Improvisierte Musik in die Schule! (Jazz and improvised music at school!).

Foto: SPTG/Dominik Buschardt

Junge Forscher (Young scientists) conducting DNA-experiments at Merianschule.

Foto: SPTG/Philip Eichler

Diesterweg-families visiting the Honeybee Research Center in Oberursel.

The work of the Stiftung Polytechnische Gesellschaft centers on Frankfurt am Main. In addition, projects find their way to other towns and cities throughout Germany via transfer, in this way extending the reach of the Foundation’s work beyond Frankfurt’s city limits.

The Stiftung Polytechnische Gesellschaft was established in 2005 by the Polytechnische Gesellschaft (Polytechnic Society), which was founded back in 1816 and has several subsidiaries. To set up the Foundation, the Polytechnische Gesellschaft made available most of the proceeds it acquired in 2005 from the sale of its subsidiary, the Frankfurter Sparkasse savings bank.

The Stiftung Polytechnische Gesellschaft ranks among the largest private foundations in Germany and is in good company in Frankfurt am Main, one of Germany’s “foundation strongholds”. Over 700 foundations in the metropolis on the Main River are recorded in Hesse’s Register of Foundations. The Stiftung Polytechnische Gesellschaft works closely with many prominent foundations as well as municipal and Hessian institutions to ensure that its projects are even more effective and that even more people are supported and encouraged in their development.


Stiftung Polytechnische Gesellschaft Frankfurt am Main
Untermainanlage 5
60329 Frankfurt am Main
069 789 889 0,

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